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International Conference on Business Management 2011 in Miyazaki(closed)

Conference Title : Business Management for Sustainable Society

The ICBM is an international conference where Researchers from Japan, America, Australia and China participate. We cordially invite you to attend the “International Conference on Business Management 2011” (ICBM2011), which will be held on October 29th-30th, 2011, at Miyazaki-Sangyo-Keiei University in Japan.
The ICBM2011 provides an excellent opportunity for the academic and business communities to share cutting-edge research in all areas of Business, Finance, Accounting, Management and related fields. We invite colleagues throughout the world to present new findings and insights, discuss current issues, and strengthen personal networks.

Conference Chair

Shigekazu Asai(Miyazaki Sangyo-Keiei University)

Vice Chair

Blair M.T. Odo (Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer of JAIMS, USA)

Operation Committee

Naoki Murata(Nihon University)
Isoshi Toguchi(Institute of Public-Service Management)
Kazuhiro Bai(Reitaku University)
Kenichiro Yoshida(Reitaku University)
Minoru Ideyama(Miyazaki Sangyo-Keiei University)

Referee Committee

Shin’ichiro Sakamoto(Miyagi University)
Masato Kamekawa(Rikkyo University)
Satoshi Iwata(Iwate Prefectural University)


Katsutoshi Ayano(Tokai University)
Kozo Iwanabe(Saitama University)
Masanori Okada(Shukutoku University)

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Keynote Session 1

Dr. Ray Gordon
Faculty of Business, Bond University, Australia.

Dr Gordon is a Professor in Organizational Behaviour and the Associate Dean of Research for the Faculty of Business, Technology and Sustainable Development at Bond University. Prior to joining Bond University he was the Head of the Graduate School of Business at the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS); he was a member of the school of management at UTS for 8 years. Dr. Gordon has eighteen years industry experience working at a senior management level throughout Australia, Asia and the USA in the fields of engineering, service operations management, distribution management as well as sales and marking management. Dr. Gordon completed his PhD in Management at the University of Technology, Sydney in 2003 which made the Vice Chancellors list for excellence in research in 2004.

His research interests include power in organizations, leadership and ethics, sustainable work systems, family business, ethnography and discourse methods. He has also conducted extensive research in the reform of police organizations. He has published extensively in academic journals such as the Leadership Quarterly, Organization Studies, the Journal of Public Administration and the Organization Management Journal. He authored a book entitled Power, Knowledge and Domination, which was published in 2007 by Libre: Compenhagen Business School Press as part of its Advances in Organizations Studies series. His paper entitled Ethics, Discourse and Power: An Empirical Analysis into Ethics in Practice was nominated by the Social Issues in Management division for the All Academy Newman Award for excellence at the 2005 Academy of Management Conference, and in 2006 his paper entitled Power, Authority and Legitimacy won the best paper award for the Critical Management Studies stream and received an All Academy Highly Commended Paper Award at the Australia and New Zealand Academy of Management Conference.

Dr. Gordon has taught a range of courses in organisation theory and behaviour, change management and research methods at the undergraduate and post graduate level. He has also taught at universities throughout Australia and the world including regular courses in Singapore, China, Indonesia and France. He was also a visiting scholar at New Mexico State University in 2003. He has received numerous teaching awards and has been very active in executive education where he has been involved in program design and delivery for a wide range of clients including Mirvac, Qantas and the Australian Research Institute for Asia Pacific.

Keynote Session 2

Dr. YongYi Qian
Soochow University, china.

Qian Yongyi (born in Suzhou), introduced in 2004 as an overseas staff, is an associate professor in the Faculty of Japanese language, School of Foreign Languages, Soochow University. She is also an academic lead for the faculty’s “Japanese Society and Culture” master degree research project. She worked from 1980 to 1988 on Japanese science and technology information translation as well as Japanese language teaching in the local vocational university. She had then been pursuing her further education in Japan since 1988. She holds a Bachelor of Arts from Reitaku University and a master degree in international studies from J.F. Oberlin University. She obtained her PhD from Oberlin University in 2002.

Her current research direction and interests focus on Japanese economics, education as well as the relationship between Japanese culture and China’s social and economic development. She has been teaching in various courses including Japanese comprehensive reading, translation, Japanese economics, Japanese education and economics (post-grad).

Dr. Qian has published many papers in Japan and China’s academic journals in recent years. Her paper (Market Formation and Labor Mobility in China-Exploring a New Role in Rural Enterprise) in the famous Japanese academic journal “World Economic Review” uses cross-study methodology to expand the famous “Lewis model” (Dual Sector model) with the introduction of culture and education as well as other important factors of economic development into a new theoretical framework. It also analyzes the characteristics of resources mobility in the process of China’s industrialization together with Japan’s development experience. The theoretical innovation and practical results of this paper has proved its great academic value not only to the study of development economics, but also to the research on culture, education and economics.

Dr. Qian’s paper published in Jiangsu, China’s top tier journal, (Relationship between culture development and industrial structure transformation-Suzhou’s practice and Japan’s experience) was a designated conference paper in the “9th Chinese economists forum”. Her work, equipped by original academic view and innovative methodologies, investigates and analyzes the relationship between cultural development and structural transformation in economic growth. It also points out the effects and experience of education in Japan’s economic development, which is very valuable for China’s development into a harmonious society in the internal context.

Submitted Papers

Proceedings of International Conference on Business Management Volume 2, ISSN 2185-5137